€ 29,99
In this book, Stefaan Vandist takes you on a pilgrimage. The journey leads to creative incubators where the future is already taking shape. Often, it is different organizations that, as a ‘coalition of the willing,’ are at the forefront of the transition to sustainable food systems, mobility, energy, material usage, or urban development. The goal is not only a more sustainable society but also a more attractive one to live in. Pretopia guides you along 33 innovation paths paved with existing and scalable solutions that you can start implementing right away. During the journey, 9 methodological keys are provided to create your own Pretopia. What is a Pretopia? It’s a period and a place where you gain control over the future and then contribute constructively to it.
Afwerking Hardback
Pagina’s 240
Afmetingen 250×185
Verschijningsdatum 11.01.2022
Uitgever LannooCampus
Druk 2

Rik Menten
Director Arcadis
“Onze samenleving heeft nood aan meer Pretopia. Aan tastbare, inspirerende verhalen over duurzame verandering die vandaag al plaatsvinden.”